Reports of events that happened on and around 15 June in recognition of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day My World... Your World... Our World... Free of Elder Abuse
"Thanks to All!" for participating in the 4th Global WEAAD 2009 & Paris
To review the WEAAD 2009 Event listings, click here.
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PARIS 2009
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2009 4th Global Celebration Journée internationale de sensibilisation aux abus envers les aînés
Commissioner Vladimir Spidla, European Commission Thanked for his special interest in WEAAD and Elder Abuse, with a Special Report, "INPEA's European Representatives Respond to Elder Abuse", prepared by Ariela Lowenstein, INPEA, EU RRep. for WEAAD 2009, Paris (click here for INPEA EU Report)
INPEA wishes to thank "ALMA France" for helping to make WEAAD 2009 a success. "Thanks to All of You!" for participating in the 4th Global WEAAD 2009 - Paris
Thanks to Cynthia Thomas, WESTAT, and all INPEA's family who planned events and contributed to this outstanding video production. And, Lynn Mc Donald and N.I.C.E. for WEAAD o9 Websupport.
Click above to download full report with photos .pdf 528kb
There were over 2000 people attending WEAAD 2009 celebrated at Nyansakia Primary School Grounds, near the kegogi Chief's Camp, Marani Division of Kisii Central District. The numbers were largely of older women and men and other community members. Among the people who attended are older persons and youth leaders from Nyamira and Kisii Central District, local leaders (councilors, women and church leaders), Provincial Administration and Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Development officials, Gusii HelpAge Society leaders, Representatives of the Rotary Club of Kisii, Media and representative of the local Member of Parliament.
The day started with planting of symbolic trees by partners. The aim was to link older persons, youth, community leaders and other partners in planting for change in the way we view older persons in our community. The trees will be cared for by the community in showing solidarity with older persons and caring for them and reporting abuses for action to the authorities.
Click above to download full report with photos .pdf 528kb
There was an entertainment galore which includes youth drama,
music and recitals by older persons. The entertainment was theme filled
as it addressed itself to the abuses on older persons, morale and hope
giving interludes and cohesion building dances. The fact that both
youth and older persons participated cheerfully indicated that constant
communication and contact can change negative perceptions on older
Age-in-Action strives to improve the living conditions of all older persons in South Africa and also educate them on their rights. This year, over 10 000 older persons showed their abhorrence of all forms of abuse through peaceful demonstrations, exhibitions and educational seminars nationally. The organisation has over 1000 seniors clubs, organisations and old age homes affiliated to it.
a event to commemorate world elder abuse awareness day 2009 was organised in blde university's shri b m patil medical college hospital bijapur on 15/06/09 at 10am. Two lectures were held.Dr.Anand p ambali, geriatric physician talked regarding Introduction to abuse. dr.Venkatesh Professor in community medicine, SDM medical college dharwad was invited speaker, talked regarding prevention of abuse. Professor Kanmadi,Sociologist Ex principal Arts college chaired the session. A total of 60 senior citizens, 20 staff of medical college and 25 students attended the programme
13th June to 19th June 2009
Mumbai, India
On the occasion of 4th Global World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 15th June, Silver Inning Foundation (SIF), A Dedicated organization for senior citizens and their family members commemorated World Elder Abuse Awareness Week from 13th June to 19th June 2009. It has taken the initiative to host various events to create awareness and sensitize the Government and the Civil Society to eliminate elder abuse at both micro and macro level. It also did networking with organizations working with elderly in Mumbai and all over India.
The 4th WEAAD Ceremony and First Korea-Japan Roundtable on Elder Abuse in Busan, Korea on June 7th 2009
On this day of June 7th 2009, the above-mentioned two events were held at the Busan Metropolitan City Hall (the Grand Conference Hall), from 13:20 to 17:00. First, the 4th WEAAD Ceremony started with the performance of the Grandma Orchestra as the participants were being seated. The participants then sang the Korean national anthem, saluted the national flag, and then the special guests were introduced. Other highlights of this event was an opening address made by Dr. Dong Hee Han, the president of the Korea Information Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (KINPEA), a welcome address from Dr. Young-Sei Park thanking organizers for choosing Busan, and the address from Dr. Toshio Tatara on behalf of INPEA, congratulating Dr. Dong Hee Han and the Korean people on their showing of strong commitments to elder abuse prevention.
Click above photo for full report (.pdf 708kb)
Then, two elderly representatives came forward to the podium and read aloud in Korean the Declaration of the Human Rights of the Elderly. Final programs of the ceremony were the Orykdo Choir and the Korean traditional dances, performed by the Korean Traditional Dance Troupe from the Busan Women's Cultural Center.
The second main focus of the event was the first Korea-Japan Roundtable on Elder Abuse. Initially, the purpose of the roundtable was to discuss behind closed doors in English among a small number of Korean and Japanese researchers issues of elder abuse critical to both countries. The idea was that as a result of such discussion, we wanted to identify the topics of research that would be suited to joint studies by Korean and Japanese researchers. Because of these reasons, we, the both countries, have chosen three people who are fluent in English to participate in the roundtable. At the end, the producer, MCs and the panelists were grateful to each other for the good work done.
Celebration of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day in Czech Republic
Život 90 has joined the celebration of WEAAD by the conference held on 15th and 16th June 2009. In those days workshops of EUSTACEA project (European Strategy to Combat Elder Abuse against Older Women) were held. Time was dedicated to raise awareness of elder abuse, specifically elder abuse against older women. We joined the color of this year, so all participants wore purple braid. If you want to know more about celebration of WEAAD in Život 90 or about workshops of EU STACEA project, don't hesitate to contact us!
Study: Investigating the frequency and types of liberty-depriving methods in elderly individuals in need of residential care
Conducted throughout Residential nursing homes in Bavaria, Rhineland-Palatinate and Hesse, Germany
Study Dates: 15.06.2009, 15.10.2009, 15.01.2010
The practice of liberty-depriving methods in nursing may be regarded as a profound intervention in the fundamental rights and freedoms of respective individuals. Particularly mechanical restraining devices such as belt-systems, bed safety railings, or other forms of anchorage are predominantly utilized in order to avoid falls, behavioural disorders and uncontrolled agitation in elderly people, who frequently suffer from a form of dementia. However, applying those systems is not only associated with a loss - or at least severe limitation - of individual liberty, autonomy and social relationships. It may also cause severe health problems, particularly if regularly applied.
Submitted by: Department of Forensic Medicine, Medical University Vienna & GRP - Generation Research Program Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich Website:
Report from Serbia World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2009 "My World... Your World... Our World - Free of Elder Abuse"
On 12th of June this year, the Red Cross of Serbia and HumanaS network organised a round table discussion called "My World... Your World... Our World - Free of Elder Abuse", referring to the 15th June, the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. The event was organised with the financial support of Help the Aged organisation. This is the third time this date is marked in Serbia (and the fourth time it is being marked globally). The event was announced to The International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse, which ensured Serbia was part of the global action this year.
The meeting included a presentation of the survey about the older people's awareness of discrimination, the presentation of Norwegian psychiatrist Wenche Malmedal on the issue of non-adequate care in Norwegian retirement institutions, the presentation of the centre for Social Welfare on their protocols as well as the presentation of the health services on the duties of medical doctors once they identify abuse of older people. A representative of the Republic Institute for Social Welfare presented the statistics of the noted cases of elderly abuse in Serbia. The point made is that the number of noted cases is very low due to the prevailing feeling of shame many victims have.
Shropshire Partners in Care and Shropshire Council
'Another Good Night Out'
The Four Crosses Pub Bicton, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, United Kingdom
Shropshire Partners in Care (SPIC) and Shropshire Council raised £344 hosting 'Another Good Night Out' at The Four Crosses, Bicton to mark World Elder Abuse Awareness day 2009. All donations went to the National Action on Elder Abuse.
Peter Clarke, Acting Adult Protection Manager, Shropshire Council and Karen Littleford, Adult Protection Training & Development Worker, SPIC celebrate £344 raised for the Action on Elder Abuse Charity.
Sarah Hollinshead - Bland (Shropshire Council) welcomed over 50 people to The Four Crosses, Bicton. Guests enjoyed a curry and karaoke session with Deb Fritzl, Adelphi Care Services setting a very high standard as the first singer to take to the stage. A raffle took place with prizes donated by Wrexham and Shropshire Trains, Acton Scott Historic Working Farm, Ironbridge Gorge Museums, M-Viron Ludlow, Rackhams, JLA, Morrisons and The Old Market Hall.
Karen Littleford (Adult Protection Training & Development Worker for SPIC), event organiser said, "Once again we have been overwhelmed by the support from generous local businesses we had some superb raffle prizes donated, thank you for your amazing support. The evening was an informal opportunity to acknowledge that elder abuse is not acceptable and we are working with partner agencies to prevent it. We look forward to keeping this very important issue on the agenda for the next year in order to continue raising awareness about elder abuse."
From L - R: Anji Hollinshead - Bland, Kim Walshaw, John Walshaw, Deb Fritzl and Phil Fritzl
More than 200 older people and representatives of community and statutory organisations attended an Information Day on Elder Abuse Awareness at Neighbourly Care Southall in West London on 15 July. Information stalls and advice were available throughout the day and a discussion was held in the afternoon on the nature of elder abuse and the support options open both to abused elders and those who may be witnesses to elder abuse. The discussion was led by speakers from Neighbourly Care Southall, from Action on Elder Abuse, from Victim Support and from Ealing Council's Safeguarding Adults team and was conducted in simultaneous translation in English, Punjabi, Hindi, Urdu, Gujerati and Somali to meet the first language requirements of our multiethnic community.
A prompt result of the Day was that 5 older people present sought immediate confidential support and advice from Neighbourly Care Southall's advisers on issues of abuse related to themselves. A more long term aim arising from the Day is that the discussion of approaches to addressing elder abuse has begun the process of building vital support networks and raising consciousness in our community at large. The promotion of the day has led to numbers of new and important contacts with groups working with vulnerable older people both across London and the United Kingdom and also internationally.
Nota CNDI is a document from the National Council for the Older Persons from the Federal Government that circulated 5000 flyers all around the country for the WEAAD in 2009
Estados de Brasil - 15th June 2009 - is a file that relates the celebrations made in 10 cities around the country (Ceará, Mato Grosso do Sul, Florianópolis, Espirito Santo, Pernambuco, Juiz de Fora, Sáo Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Joinville, Brasilia). Text is in Portuguese.
WEAAD 2009 Brunswick's First Shred-A-Thon a Success Brunswick, Georgia USA
Click above to download full report with photos .pdf 844kb
For immediate release... As the models walked up on the stage, there were calls and whistles. After the crowd looked at their outfits, each model walked down the "runway" to more cheers and laughter. The emcee called out, "Come on ladies, let the officers know you appreciate them."
The models smiled, blushed and walked the length of Brunswick's Shrine Club auditorium. It was the first modeling assignment for most of the participants in the Fraud Fashion Show, a feature of the county's first Shred-A-Thon, part of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day observances on Monday, June 15. The fashion show gave attendants from the Brunswick and Darien Senior Centers a chance to learn the finer points of distinguishing bona fide members of law enforcement and other vital services from imposters.
The Shred-A-Thon focused on raising awareness of fraud and identity theft, particularly involving senior citizens.
Click above to download full report with photos .pdf 844kb
WEAAD around the State of Tennessee
coordinated through
Tennessee Vulnerable Adult Coalition (TVAC)
Tennessee Commission on Aging and Disability
Listen to the facts about abuse ... Believe those facts ...
Act on that belief
Observances were planned throughout the state,
through regional elder abuse coalitions. The state activities were coordinated through the Tennessee Vulnerable
Adult Coalition and Tennessee Commission on Aging and Disability. One hundred and sixty WEAAD banners,
which encourage people to show their support and wear purple, were distributed
throughout the state for display and use at the observances. In East Tennessee, ElderWatch affiliates planned everything from a mention in a local newspaper to a
proclamation in smaller counties to a full-blown APS regional conference.
Each area planned its own observance, with a listing of announced events to be found at (or download .pdf
288kb). Most observances included
speakers on different aspects of elder abuse and purple ribbons were worn to
show support for raising awareness on the issue of elder abuse.
On June 15, members of the Northeast Kingdom Vulnerable Adult Action Coalition held community awareness events in recognition of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. The events called attention to the problem of elder abuse as a public health and human rights issue, and were the first of their kind to be held in Vermont.
Coalition members were present at the Lyndon Area Senior Meal Program, Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital and the Good Living Senior Center and St. Johnsbury Senior Meal Program to share information about the issue of elder abuse. The Coalition is a team of local law enforcement, social service and health care providers dedicated to addressing this issue.
Purple ribbons were handed out at the event as a visual reminder that working together we can help to ensure that no vulnerable person in our community is subject to abuse. Forms of elder abuse can be physical, sexual, emotional, verbal or financial. Until recently, abuse of the elderly remained a hidden and under-recognized issue or was simply ignored. We now know that these problems can happen anywhere - private homes, residential care facilities or nursing homes.
Report on Workshop held in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia on World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2009
On June 15th 2009, Seniors Rights Victoria (Australia) held a World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Workshop as its contribution to global efforts to raise awareness of elder abuse.
The Workshop attracted over 100 people from government, service providers, community based organisations and other agencies. It provided an opportunity to hear and learn from experts in the areas of human rights, medical and legal capacity, financial abuse, advocacy and the law.
"Recognising and Responding to Elder Abuse -
Seminar for local government personnel and others who work with older adults."
APEA: WA (The Alliance for the Prevention of Elder Abuse) and Advocare Inc.
Perth, Western Australia (Oceania Region)
Months of planning finally came to fruition on 15 June when APEA: WA
(The Alliance for the Prevention of Elder Abuse) and Advocare Inc.
hosted a seminar to mark World Elder Abuse Awareness Day at Woodvale
Function Centre, north of Perth, Western Australia. The seminar title
was "Recognising and Responding to Elder Abuse - a seminar for local
government personnel and others who work with older adults."
Click photo for report .pdf 131kb
Widespread publicity, via electronic distribution lists, word of mouth
and radio attracted over one hundred participants from a variety of
government departments, service providers, community based
organisations and the general public. The morning program was opened by
Mr. Greg Mahney, CEO Advocare Inc., and Chairperson of the Alliance for
the Prevention of Elder Abuse (APEA: WA).
If you have a question about World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, please contact us at For INPEA Board, Regional & National Representative Contact Information - Click here