
Your donation will support local action to identify and solve cases. How?

  • Raising Awareness: Elder abuse is a criminal offense.

  • Organizing: Finding the facts and the actors that can make change.

  • Advocating for the rights of older persons at the national level—and globally.

INPEA is a 501(c)(3) Non Profit tax exempt organization that depends upon volunteers, grants, and donations to continue promoting awareness for preventing elder abuse throughout our world.
Donations may be made to the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse
on-line by using PayPal or by mail. 

Click the button to donate now
using PayPal
with a one-time credit card payment
or use your existing PayPal account.




Your donations are greatly appreciated. Thank you!

If donating by mail,
send check or money order to:
INPEA Treasurer, Cynthia Thomas,

5802 Nicholson Lane, Rockville, MD 20852 USA