Welcome to INPEA Membership.

This membership form is for individuals and organizations in countries with developing or less developed ecomomies as designated in the UN DESA (see list) that are requesting a dues waiver. To begin, please fill in the following information, submit form, then proceed to send an e-mail to INPEA with the subject as "Dues Waiver" stating the nature of your request.

For individuals in developed countries, the annual dues are $50 USD, and $25 USD for individuals in countries with developing and less developed economies as designated in the UN DESA List. (see list) Dues may be paid on line via credit card or mailed to INPEA, PO Box 368, Nassau, NY 12123 USA. Membership year runs from January 1 to December 31. To fill out a dues-paying member form, please click here.

Organizations may contact INPEA by email for further dues information.
Please provide a brief statement of reason for waiver. If there is additional information to justify your dues waiver request, please send separate e-mail to INPEA.

Personal Information

We appreciate your interest in INPEA.
Please review your entries.
After clicking the Submit button only once, please wait several seconds for the transaction to process.
Thank you.

Después de chascar el botón del someter solamente una vez, espere por favor varios segundos la transacción para procesar.

Après avoir cliqué sur le bouton de soumission seulement une fois, attendez svp plusieurs secondes la transaction pour traiter.

Please type the number in blue
Would you like a membership form to pass along? Then click here to download a printable .pdf

For further INPEA and membership info, INPEA_Membership_Brochure
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