INPEA Governance - Representatives
INPEA Regional Representation
Specification of Role and Responsibility
Regional* Representatives act as individuals.
- Representatives are 'neutral' and do not represent any specific organisation or country in their role.
- Regional Representatives should be nominated through the membership and agree to nomination for selection rather than this being achieved through any individual volunteering their services.
- Regional representatives should have a strong interest and commitment to the issue of elder abuse and to the work of INPEA. They must provide adequate background and contact information to the organisation as part of the nomination process.
- Regional Representatives are selected for a normal term of office (4 years). Representatives may be selected to undertake one further period of office (i.e. 8 years in total) before a break of at least one term.
- Representatives act to promote the work of INPEA and to achieve as wide a membership (organisations/groups/individuals) within region as possible
- Representatives should be able to speak on behalf of and represent both INPEA and their region. This will involve contact and liaison with others in the field within the region in order to obtain and disseminate information about new developments.
- Representatives should liaise with the General Secretary on a regular basis, including providing reports for the Board about the region as requested.
- Representatives should disseminate newsletters, respond to enquiries and requests for information or application forms as quickly as possible.
- Representatives should act to co-ordinate the work of the organisation within that region
- Representatives should produce an annual regional report to be sent to members within that region. This would include a report on the international situation (new developments, conferences, contacts) to keep members informed and to improve the flow of information between international and national perspectives
- Representatives should encourage the development of regional committees of national representatives
- Representatives should identify and encourage the development of national (country) representatives
- Representatives should co-ordinate the work of national (country) representatives
* Regional in this context refers to the specific regions of the world that INPEA works to. These are: Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America & Caribbean (including Central America), Middle East North Africa, North America, and Oceania.
Click to download JobDesc_RegandNatRep.doc
INPEA National Representation
Specification of Role and Responsibility
- National (country) representatives should have an interest/concern/commitment to the issue of elder abuse and to the work of INPEA. They should provide some background and contact information to the organisation via the regional representative prior to fully assuming their role
- National representatives are \'neutral\' and do not represent any specific organisation or country in their role or when acting on behalf of INPEA
- National (country) representatives should support the work of the regional representatives in recruitment of new members, administration of members and the distribution of newsletters within their country
- Information and feedback from national representatives should be channelled through the regional representative or via the regional committee
General Principles for all Representatives
- Representatives act as individuals.
- Representatives are 'neutral' and do not represent any specific organisation or country in their role.
- Representatives should be nominated through the membership and agree to nomination for selection rather than this being achieved through any individual volunteering their services.
- Representatives should have a strong interest and commitment to the issue of elder abuse and to the work of INPEA. They must provide adequate background and contact information to the organisation as part of the nomination process.
- Representatives are selected for a normal term of office (4 years). Representatives may be selected to undertake one further period of office (i.e. 8 years in total) before a break of at least one term.
- Selection processes should be clear, open and transparent to the membership.
Click to download JobDesc_RegandNatRep.doc