Check this area for news on upcoming events.
10 Session of the OEWGA
15- 18 April 2019 UN HQ NYC
NGO Morning Briefings:
9Am -9:34AM Conf Rm B
NGO Pre Day Workshop
14 April
Location: TBD
MAY 23-25, 2019: IAGG European Region Congress 2019,
Towards Capability in Ageing –from cell to society,
Gothenburg, Sweden at the Swedish Exhibition and Congress Centre. View program details here.
23- 27 October - Health & Wellbeing in the Silver World: From Bench to Policy View program details here.
31 October - 2 November - Institute on Ageing, UN Malta: INPEA Vice President Rosy Pereyra, MD will take part in the upcoming Institute on Ageing, UN Malta , INIA In-situ training programme in Policy planning, implementation and monitoring of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing - in collaboration with Fundacion NTD Ingredientes, in Dominican Republic.
5-7 November - SGA Africa "1ST Annual African Regional Conference on Ageing 2018": Venue: Sheraton Abuja Hotel, Ladi Kwali Way Zone 4. FCT. Abuja, Nigeria. INPEA is a co sponsor and Sam T. Slewion, INPEA Liberian National Rep is Co Chair with Emen Omokaro, INPEA member and Ex Dir. Dave Omokaro Foundation. Click here for Program and Registration
7 November - SGA Africa "INPEA sponsored Student Poster Contest" Theme: Our Region- Free of Elder Abuse. Cash award for 1st, 2nd place and honorable mention donated by INPEA President, Susan Somers. Click here for flyer and information
11 November - Vienna NGO Civil Society Forum "Preparing for the ICHROP and Beyond": Time: 13:00-17:00 Venue: the Medizinische Selbsthilfezentrum, Obere Augartenstrasse 26-28, 1020 Vienna, Austria. Convened jointly by the NGO Comm on Ageing, Vienna, Geneva and New York and a planning task force comprised of INPEA, IFA, HelpAge, Intl, Age Platform, Eu, and Age International among others to seize the momentum and opportunity of the ICHROP Meeting to follow on 12-13 November. Click here to Register Vienna NGO Forum 11 Nov - Save The Date (1) Please note ICHROP Registration is a separate process organized by the Austrian Ministry. (See info and registraiton link below)
12-13 November - International Conference on the Human Rights of Older People (ICHROP) "Robotics and Automation- Implications for Human Rights" Ringturm, Schottenring 30, 1010 Vienna, Austria. Click here for accreditation and registration Registration deadline is Oct 29th.
10 December - 70th Commemmoration of the Universal Declartion of Human Rights, United Nations, Geneva Switzerland, Details of INPEA Event to be posted. Please join the campaign #standup4humanrights

Oral communications will be presented within the framework of sessions (30 minutes) & workshops (60 minutes). Course Directors will include: Jaime Fitten (United States) - Professor of Psychiatry Biobehavioral Sciences and member of the Brain Research Institute, University of California (UCLA), Los Angeles Norah Keating (Canada) - Professor and Co-director of Research on Aging Policies and Practice, University of Alberta, Edmonton Antoni Salva (Spain) - Director of the Institut de l’Envelliment of the Universitat Autonoma, Barcelona Alan Sinclair (United Kingdom) - Professor of Medicine, Director of the Institute of Diabetes for Older People (IDOP), University of Bedfordshire Bruno Vellas (France) - Professor of Medicine, Chief Department Internal Medicine and Geriatrics, Chief of Alzheimer’s Disease Clinical Research Centre, Toulouse University Hospital.
Please click here ( for presentation, preliminary program, general information and registration procedure. To benefit from special rates for your accommodation, please fill out the Hotel Booking Form.
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October 7, 2010. Thursday 3:30PM to 4:30PM
Offices of AARP, Lexington Avenue, New York City, NY USA.
Watch the website for agenda and program which will be distributed via e mail to all Members in Good Standing. (posted August 8, 2010)
INPEA 2010 Board of Directors Meeting -- October 7, 2010, New York City, NY
President and Chair of the Board of Directors, Gloria Gutman, is providing notice of the upcoming 2010 Board of Directors Meeting to be held in conjunction with the UN IDOP Event in New York City, NY. Agenda items will be sent to Board of Directors by September 1, 2010. Directors wishing to add items to the agenda should click here to e-mail to Susan Somers, Secretary General. Location information will be forthcoming.
INPEA 2009 Board of Directors Meeting -- July 5 2009, Paris, France
President Lia Daichman is providing notice of the upcoming 2009 Board of Directors Meeting to be held in conjunciton with the IAGG meeting in Paris, France. Agenda items will be sent to Board of Directors by June 1, 2009. Directors wishing to add items to the agenda should click here to e-mail Susan Somers, Secretary General.
November 21, 2008. Friday 1:30PM to 4:30PM
GSA Conference Gaylord Hotel, National Harbour, MD USA.
For more information: INPEA President Lia Daichman's Address
November 21, 2008. Friday 4:30PM following Membership Meeting
GSA Conference Gaylord Hotel, National Harbour, MD, USA.
Board Members may e-mail Susan Somers, INPEA Clerk for more information.
To reference other past events, please visit the Archives
European Master's program in Gerontology (EuMaG)
A modular two-year part-time training programme in gerontology, with a strong focus on international comparative research. The programme is developed and delivered by a network of 18 European universities. First-year modules delivered in different eropean cities. Additional assignments via e-learning. Second year specialization. Participants are welcome to join the full program, or to enroll for individual modules.
For more information see EuMaG
Contact: Lot Heijke
Tel: +31-20-444-8642
Elder Abuse Prevention Award Annual Honorees
The honorees are featured on the websites of the three sponsoring organizations, INPEA, NCPEA, and FVSAI and the awards are presented each year at the International Family Violence Conference in San Diego, California, in September since the inception of the award in 2002. Visit INPEA's Rosalie S. Wolf Memorial Award page for further information.