New Publications
Inpea is pleased to announce the publication of new books relevant to our mission. Links to purchase these books are included when available. Please support these important works.

Living Longer and Better
Edited By Michel Poulain, Jolanta Mackowicz
ISBN 9780367753641
192 Pages 10 B/W Illustrations
Paperback version published May 31, 2023 by Routledge

Editors: Pamela B. Teaster, Georgia J. Anetzberger, Elizabeth Podnieks
Available here...

A Pandemic of Intersecting Injustice
Silvia Perel-Levin
Available on Amazon

How Fear of Retaliation Silences Residents in America's Nursing Homes - NursingHome411
Eilon Caspi, PhD
Assistant Research Professor
University of Connecticut
Download your copy here…

Lisa Nerenberg
"The first comprehensive analysis of elder justice and its implications for policy and practice..."
More information may be found here...

The untold story of mothering a challenging adult child, maternal ambivalence, and aging
Judith R. Smith
More information may be found here....

A human rights-based approach
Edited by: Isabella Paoletti,
Older Women's Network, Europe
More information may be found here...