Reports & Resources
Many are authored by INPEA members.
Global and Regional Reports on the Prevalence or Incidence of Elder Abuse and Neglect.
New reports and publications will be placed here as they become available.
Older Women in Europe: A human rights-based approach is about older women’s strength, freedom, tenacity, determination, resilience, independence, social and political involvement and, in particular, it is about re-imagining ageing. Older women represent the great majority of older people. The book describes instances of age and gender discrimination and examples of social inclusion and protagonism of older women in Europe. It solicits a change in perspective, focussing on the necessary societal changes to make space to older people and older women in particular. How is society going to address age and gender discrimination in social and institutional settings? How the work settings should change to effectively make space to older workers and in particular older women? How the pension system should change? How the Public Heath systems could provide effective care to older people and be sustainable? This edited collection focuses on older women’s rights rather then their needs adopting a Human Rights Based Approach. The preservation of older women’s dignity, autonomy and security is its central topic, that is, ensuring that their right are recognized. This collection offers insights valuable to a wide array of Human Rights activists, professionals, policy makers and social scientists and older women themselves.
Part I: Focussing on Age and Sex Discrimination in Europe
1 Introduction: Older women in Europe and their Rights
Isabella Paoletti
2 Dismissed and Invisible: How Human Rights Law’s Treatment of Age Discrimination Reflects the Reality of Older Women’s Experiences in Europe
Elaine Dewhurst
3 Economic Security of Women in Old Age – the Practice of the Gender Equity under Conditions of Pension Gaps and Feminization of the Households in Old Age in Europe
Ilona Kwiecien & Eva Poprawska
4 Drawing Attention on Oldest Old Women
Isabella Paoletti
Part II: Discrimination versus Inclusion and Protagonism: Some Examples from Various European Countries
5 From Invisibility to Empowerment: The Narratives of Older Women in Moggach’s The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
Ieva Stoncikaite
6 Older Women’s Portrayal in Recent TV Commercials in Romania: Old, Reversed and New Stereotypes
Andra-Dina Pana
7 Grandmothers’ Agency in Care of Grandchildren during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Turkey
Gulcin Con Wright
8 Struggles, Social Capital and Transformations: The Experiences of Older Women in Late-Life Learning
Marvin Formosa
9 The Importance of Remembering that Leisure is a Human Right (also) for the Elderly
Maria Alexandra D’Araujo, Jaime Raul Seixas Fonseca & Fernando Humberto Serra
10 Older Women and their Opportunities for Culture, Creativity and Arts in Later Life
Elisabet Cedersund
11 Reimagining Older Women: from Followers to Active Community Leadership
Elena Bendien & Tineke Abma
12 Conclusion: Rethinking Ageing Societies
Isabella Paoletti
European Countries During 2009
July 2009
Compiled by Prof. Ariela Lowenstein
INPEA European Regional Rep.
• Israel • Germany • Portugal • Norway • Italy • Finland • Spain • United Kingdom • AGE–Europe• ALMA France •

Elder Abuse against Older Women (EUSTaCEA)?
by Anne-Sophie PARENT, AGE Director
Our EUSTaCEA project aims at developing a European Strategy to combat elder abuse against older women which will include a European Charter and toolkit to be used as awareness raising tools by AGE members and partners to prevent abuse against older women and vulnerable older men, and to promote quality guidelines for eldercare services. Our project has evolved a lot since it started in December 2008. The first year of the project was devoted to the drafting of the European Charter of rights and responsibilities of older people in need of long-term care and assistance. The work has now started on the accompanying toolkit which will explain how the rights included in the Charter can be implemented.
Click here to download EUSTaCEA Newsletter November 2009 (.pdf 233kb)
New reports will be placed here as they become available.
July 2020
Evidence review to inform development of a national policy on adult safeguarding in the health and social care sector
In 2017 the Government approved the Department of Health’s (DOH) development of a national policy on adult safeguarding in the health sector, together with such legislation as may be required to underpin it. This policy will apply to the health and social care sector at large, including all public, voluntary and private healthcare or social care settings in Ireland.
In 2019, in the context of its work to give effect to the Government Decision to approve the development of a health sector policy on adult safeguarding, the Department of Health commissioned Mazars, supported by an academic research team of Prof. Amanda Phelan (School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin (TCD)), Dr Deirdre O’Donnell (School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Systems, University College Dublin (UCD)) and Diarmuid Stokes (UCD Health Sciences’ Library) for the preparation of an evidence review on adult safeguarding.
The DOH required research to consolidate available evidence into a primary and definitive evidence document for the purposes of informing the Department’s development of a national policy on adult safeguarding in the health and social care sector. This is to ensure that the development of the policy is underpinned by suitable and up to date evidence.
Working with Healthcare Organizations to Support Elderly Female Victims of Abuse - Training Manual
The purpose of this manual is to support trainers in the areas of social care, health care and victims’ support services by providing them with updated knowledge regarding the needs and concerns of older persons who are victims of abuse.
This manual is designed to support trainers to deliver training on the prevention and response to violence against older persons and violence against older women. Trainers should ideally have on-hand experience working with victims of domestic violence, the elderly and/or social and healthcare professionals. This manual provides direct information and points trainers toward additional useful resources.
Violence against older persons is a unique problem that falls between domestic violence services and elderly care, sharing elements of both. This manual aims to synthesize the elements of these two separate fields, which are most relevant for working with elderly victims. The professionals in both fields can benefit by sharing their expertise and knowledge. This was one of the aims of the “Working with Healthcare Organizations to Support Elderly Female Victims of Abuse” (WHOSEFVA) project, within which this manual was created.
December 2017
Violence and Abuse against Elderly People in Norway
A national prevalence study
The report deals with the first national survey of personal safety and quality of life among older men and women living at home in Norway. The purpose of the survey has been to gain knowledge on the prevalence of violence and abuse in the population aged 65 and older and of the relationships they have with the perpetrators. The report also points to some possible associations between exposure to violence and socio-demographic conditions, perceived health and quality of life, and whether exposure to violence earlier in life has an impact on such exposure in later years.
The basis of this survey is a study on violence and rape in Norway published by the Norwegian Centre for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies (NKVTS) in 2014, which looks at the population aged 18 to 75. The findings in the study are also compared with similar prevalence studies among older people in other European countries. The project is part of NKVTS’s research programme on violence in close relationships for the period 2014 to 2019. The research programme has been initiated on behalf of the Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Security.
Rights Violations and Discriminatory Practices Against Older Persons During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Download the report here... (PDF 7.9MB)
Older persons worldwide face rights violations and discrimination during the Covid-19 pandemic. Structural defects in areas such as health, caregiving, social
security, education, justice, housing and nutrition exacerbate the impact of rights violations and discriminations experi- enced during the Covid-19 pandemic. The protective approach towards older persons adopted as a social policy, coupled with the understanding that ageing is a problem in a cultural context, fail to produce functional and reactive solutions to the social, economic and environmental impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic. Indeed, developing countries like Turkey are not ageing per se but ageing without becoming wealthy! On the one hand, there is a need for resources for development; on the other hand, it is necessary to improve the welfare and share it fairly. Nonetheless, Turkey has been facing challenges in the last 15 years to improve social welfare and distribute it equita- bly. However, Turkey is not ready to face issues brought on by societal ageing. Consequently, the difficulties Turkey encounters as ageing and impoverishing society create deep ruptures in human rights.
May 2012
Violence Against the Elderly in Turkey
A Section from the First Turkey
Atlas on Gerontology
Prof. Dr. Ismail Tufan
Antalya, Turkey
TURKEY NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC The Turkish edition of National Geographic ran the longest cover story in it's history in May of 2012 on the issue of aging in Turkey - more than 50 pages including some wonderful pictures. Prof. Dr. Ismail Tufan arranged for this coverage and personally toured the country extensively with the National Geographic team.
The English version is provided here.

December 2011
National Study on Old Age Homes, Geriatric Center Nepal (GEC)
Baseline Study on Elder Abuse Reported in Nepali Press.
Geriatric Center Nepal (GEC)
March 2011
Prevalence Study of Abuse and Violence against Older Women
Results of the Austrian Survey
The social problem of violence against and abuse of older people exist throughout Europe but in general we know very little about domestic violence and abuse against older people or against older women. There have been very few prevalence surveys on older peoples abuse in Europe (Cooper, Selwood, & Livingston, 2008; De Donder et al., 2010). Prior to the AVOW project there was no quantitative study on this issue available in Austria. Therefore there is vital need for reliable research about domestic violence and abuse against older people.
Click here to download .pdf
Click here for further info at National Institute for Health and Welfare
November 2010
Prevalence Study of Abuse and Violence Against Older Women
Results of the Belgian Survey
This study aims to investigate the prevalence rate of elder abuse of older women. This research is part of the ’prevalence study of Abuse and Violence against Older Women’ (AVOW) which is funded by the EU’s Daphne III programme concerning violence against women and children. The AVOW study aims to provide knowledge about the prevalence of abuse and violence against older women living in the community, in five European countries (Austria, Belgium, Finland, Lithuania and Portugal) through a multi-country empirical study. This paper is the national report of the prevalence study conducted in Belgium.
Click here to download .pdf
Click here for further info at National Institute for Health & Welfare

September 2010
Preliminary Data Report For
Lifeline Community Care Queensland’s
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) 2010
Elder Abuse Awareness Campaign
This report provides cursory description and analysis of data arising from an elder abuse awareness campaign conducted by Lifeline Community Care Queensland’s Elder Abuse Prevention Unit (EAPU) and the Queensland Department of Communities for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) 2010. The statistics and charts contained in this report have been checked for accuracy and can be used with confidence.
It is the intention of Lifeline’s EAPU to provide a full research paper based on the WEAAD 2010 campaign to explore the best methods of undertaking an awareness campaign for elder abuse. This future paper will provide greater detail including a gender analysis. This WEAAD 2010 campaign was based on research undertaken by the EAPU in 2009 to design and make predictions about the best method of raising awareness about elder abuse. With the assistance of Lifeline’s Communications and Fundraising section the “Is it Happening to Someone you Know” awareness campaign was subsequently developed.
On-line at Click to download (1.6MB .pdf)
September 2010
The Portuguese prevalence survey of violence against older women [Authors: José Ferreira-Alves & Ana João Santos University of Minho, Braga, Portugal] was conducted through a cross-sectional design and aimed at five broader goals:
1. Provide estimates of the prevalence of self-reported mistreatment in a national sample of dwelling women aged 60 years and older. The mistreatment concept encompasses neglect, and five types of abuse: emotional, financial, physical, sexual and violation of personal rights
2. Identify the perpetrators of the several forms of mistreatment.
3. Describe variables pertaining the women psychological, social and demographic con-text and background and identify the possible relation between those variables and the mistreatment: risk factors from a meso and macro level.
4. Describe the disclosure and the reasons for not disclosing the mistreatement to both personal and professional contacts.
5. Describe the self-reported psychological and emotional consequences of the mistreatment.
Click here to download .pdf
Click here for further info on this report at Universidade do Minho
Abuse and Neglect of Older People in Ireland
Report summary
C. Naughton, J. Drennan, M.P. Treacy,
A. Lafferty, I. Lyons, A. Phelan, S. Quin,
A. O’Loughlin, L. Delaney

June 2008
Elder Abuse in the Family in Spain
This study, conducted by the Queen Sofía Center's scientific coordinator, Isabel Iborra Marmolejo, and published and promoted by this same institution, was sponsored and supported by Bancaja. It presents a very precise picture of the scope of this problem in Spain, using data obtained from a wide survey. In addition, it reviews similar studies conducted in other countries that make it possible to contextualize the problem in Spain, and it analyzes Spanish legislation on this matter.
Maltrato de personas mayores
en la familia en España
(272kb .pdf)
Elder Abuse in the Family in Spain
(316kb .pdf)

January 2008
Elder Abuse and Neglect: Exploration of Risk and Protective Factors
This New Zealand Families Commission project explores elder abuse and neglect from the perspectives of elderly people, service providers and representatives of non-governmental organizations. Researchers investigate what sets off increases in the risk of abuse and neglect and what can be done to prevent it.
Click here to download.pdf
November 2007
UK Health and Community Care
A Review of Literature on Effective Interventions that Prevent and Respond
to Harm Against Adults
Halina Kalaga, Centre for Ageing and Mental Health Staffordshire University
Professor Paul Kingston, Centre for Ageing and Mental Health Staffordshire University
With assistance from: Bridget Penhale, University of Sheffield and Dr JoyAnn Andrews, Staffordshire University
As of November 2007, this report is available on the Scottish Government Social Research website only
June 2007
UK Study of Abuse and Neglect of Older People
Research Findings
Click here for overview .pdf Further info at
Obtaining the full report for this study
The full report of these research findings, UK Study of Abuse and Neglect of Older People: Prevalence survey report, by Madeleine O’Keeffe,i Amy Hills,i Melanie Doyle,i Claudine McCreadie,ii Shaun Scholes,i Rebecca Constantine,i Anthea Tinker,ii Jill Manthorpe,ii Simon Biggsii and Bob Erensi (2007) is published by the National Centre for Social Research. For further information, contact Sue Johnson, or e-mail National Centre.
i National Centre for Social Research
ii King’s College London
December 2004
The National Survey on Elder Abuse and Neglect in Israel
Prof. Zvi Eisikovits, Tova Winterstein, Prof. Ariela Lowenstein
Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Studies
Click to download (108kb)
New reports will be placed here as they become available.
New reports will be placed here as they become available.
INPEA has undertaken the first global survey on Elder Abuse, and the results are now in!
To make it a truly global survey INPEA needed 8 to 10 responses from each country.
We thank you for submitting your Country's response.
Click here for Preliminary Results and for an update on the Scan's progress (June 1, 2007)
Click here for Original Scan Press Release (English version only)
- Click here to download Survey (English version)
- Click here to download Cover Letter (English version)
- Click here to download Survey (Spanish version)
- Click here to download Cover Letter (Spanish version)
- Click here to download Survey (French version)
(English) (.pdf 680kb)
Download the poster (.pdf 268kb)
OMSG Declaración de Toronto para la Prevención Global
del Maltrato de las Personas Mayores
(Español) (.pdf 680kb)
Descargue el cartel (.pdf 268kb)
(November 2002)
Views of Older Persons on Elder Abuse
G. Bennett, S. P. Levin and S. Straka, WHO/INPEA 2002
Click for .pdf English 688kb
UN Second World Assembly on Aging
Summary Report on the UN Second World Assembly on Ageing (PDF 104kb)
See also: UN 2nd World Assembly on Ageing, Madrid, Spain 8-12th April 2002
Helpage World Assembly on Ageing Report
Ariela Lowenstein and Simon Biggs Co-Author an important new text:
The question of communication between different generations is emerging as a key issue for the twenty-first century. The advent of ageing populations may lead to increased conflict or solidarity in society, and provokes a profound ambivalence both in public and in the private sphere. The book "Generational Intelligence" of Ariela Lowenstein und Simon Biggs challenges existing orthodoxies for relations between adults of different ages. Furthermore, the authors draw out steps that can be taken to increase understanding between generational groups.
PB: 978-0-415-54655-3, HB: 978-0-415-54654-6. Click this Link to order.

Theories on Law and Ageing
The Jurisprudence of Elder Law
By Professor Israel Doron
This book presents a collection of different theoretical frameworks to the field of law and ageing.
More at
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