February 2007
INPEA President, Lia Daichman: Keynote on Elder Abuse: Health, Ethics and Human Rights, at Barcelona, Spain.
(Click here for Program Details)
Dr. T. Nhongo, Helpage Intl. Africa, is presented with INPEA 2006 Rosalie S. Wolf Award
following his presentation at AARP Global Aging Briefing luncheon at UN Headquarters in NY.

INPEA Regional Representative for Africa, Monica Ferreira, MA.,DPhil., presents Hatch Lecture at ILC, NYC, USA.
(Click here for Program Details)
April 2007
April 19-21, 2007. CALL FOR ABSTRACTS
To be held in the Beautiful Canadian Rockie Mountains in BANFF, Alberta CANADA.
For more information visit: www.canadiangeriatrics.com
Dr. Toshio Tatara, PhD, announced as INPEA 2007 International Rosalie S. Wolf Memorial Award recipient.
Dr. Tatara is INPEA Regional Representative for Asia (Click here for Dr. Tatara's Biographical Sketch)
May 2007
IAGG Pan American Conference. Puebla, Mexico, May 20-22, 2007
Dr. Sara Aguilar and Dr. Lia Daichman lead
INPEA 3rd. Latin American "Train the Trainer" Course "Elder Abuse Detection and Prevention"
INPEA members held two Roundtables on North America and South America's focus on addressing Elder Abuse
June 2007

It is with great pleasure that INPEA Representative Noriko Tsukada, Ph.D., of Japan
notifies us that INPEA Japan Office recently posted a homepage at http://www.inpea.jp.
The Second Annual World Elder Abuse Awareness Day - June 15, 2007
INPEA was in Geneva on June 14-15 for WEAAD 2007.
Click Here for Program and Reception details.
For ideas and networking with others,
peruse Global Events 2007 and the Global Reports 2007 page.

Face It - Elder Abuse Happens
Alberta Canada Launches Elder Abuse Awareness Network Website
The Alberta Elder Abuse Awareness Network (AEAAN) launched a new Alberta based web site in time for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, June 15. The web site will facilitate the sharing of knowledge, resources, and tools about elder abuse amongst people who work with seniors in Alberta. Visit the web site at www.albertaelderabuse.ca.
UN NGO Committee on Ageing, NYC, Programme -- June 7, 2007
"Promoting Elder Abuse as a Social Issue in Israel"
Dr. Ariela Lowenstien, INPEA Regional Representative for Europe, INPEA as a member of the Sub Committee on Elder Abuse, sponsored this forum to further WEAAD 2007 and the Madrid International Plan of Acton on Aging (MIPAA):
Issue 3: Objective 1:
"Eliminate all Forms of Neglect, Abuse and Violence against Older Persons"
(Contact www.ngocoa-ny.org for further information on joining the Committee on Ageing.
July 2007
VI European Congress of IAGG, 5-8 July, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
INPEA President Lia Daichman, MD, and Ariela Lowenstein, Ph.D., INPEA Regional Representative, Europe hosted the INPEA EUROPEAN MEMBERSHIP MEETING on Saturday, July 7th, and the first INPEA SYMPOSIUM held at this important meeting. INPEA's European colleagues shared their scientific and clinical knowledge with others working in Elder Abuse Prevention at this extraordinary event.
The song "No Secrets" is released. Ed Mullenger of Elder Protection, UK, and the band Hesh, have recorded a tune to help break the silence of elder abuse. Hear the tune at Hesh's website. http://www.myspace.com/heshband. To download the lyrics, click here.
October 2007
IAGG 8th Asian-Oceania Regional Congress, 22-25 October, Beijing, P R China.
INPEA President Lia Daichman, MD, Toshio Tatara, Ph.D., INPEA Regional Representative, Asia and Susan Kurrle, MD, INPEA Regional Representative, Oceania, hope you were able to meet with INPEA Asia-Oceania Regional Members and attend the important presentations by INPEA Members and Representatives, including Dong Hee Han, PhD, INPEA Korea, National Representative, and INPEA Special Advisor, Gloria M. Gutman, PhD. For Conference information go to http://www.aog2007.org/
The month was blessed with successful activities. Many NGO's registered for Coalition to support advocacy and patrons nominated as stakeholders interest group to assist and promote policy dialogue and political commitment for mission growth and acceptability. The Executive officers were appointed at zonal levels to sustain leadership. December stood for the national convention and Feb/March as the formal inauguration of the chapter with the Headquarters & Africa Regional Executive as the special Guests of Honour. For the full report with many photos,
click here INPEA_Nigeria_Oct2007.pdf (872kb)

Nepal's Dashain Festival Honors Elders
The account of Nepal's Dashain Festival submitted by Manohar Upreti, INPEA's newest National Representative, reveals a beneficial and valuable cultural practice enforcing the honoring of elders. This meaningful practice shows how everyone can contribute to implementing the Madrid Plan of Action on Aging, even in the smallest of countries. (Click here to read about Dashain Festival)
Breaking the Silence on Elder Abuse!
The Gambia, West Africa
Visit to UK
Priscilla Jones, President of the Association for the Prevention of Elder Abuse in the Gambia, made the trip to England on the 8th October to further her knowledge on the problems of Elder Abuse and how the UK deals with them.
During her stay, a number of visit's to care homes, private care providers and other organisations such as charity shops, allowed Ms. Jones to gather information that can be useful in fighting against elder abuse in the Gambia.
On Monday 15th October at the Town Hall in Ely, Priscilla Jones signed a memorandum of Understanding and Partnership with Ed Mullenger of Elder Protection declaring that both parties would share information which would benefit both countries in the fight against the abuse of elderly people. The signing of the document was witnessed by the Mayor of Ely, Mr. Ron Bradney, June Tester and Ross Hawes, both campaigners against elder abuse.

INPEA President Dr. Lia Daichman in conjunction with Betty Malks, INPEA North American Representative, hosted INPEA's 2007 North American Membership Meeting held during the GSA in San Francisco, California, Friday, November 16, 2007 from 3 to 6 PM. All members and guests were welcome: (Click here for Dr. Daichman's 2007 Address to Members) Also, Dr Toshio Tatara, INPEA Representative for ASIA hosted his annual Elder Abuse Interest Group meeting on Sunday evening. Thank you to all who attended both important events.
December 2007
INPEA submits written statement to UN Human Rights Council 6th Session, Geneva. (Statement attached)
Joint parallel event on "Government's Responsibility to Older Persons" held Dec 12th.
INPEA welcomes our new UN NGO Representatives to Geneva.
INPEA joins the UN Conference on NGO's (CONGO).
Secretary General Somers represented INPEA at CONGO General Assembly in Geneva.
Dr. Lia Daichman, INPEA President, to represent Argentina, and INPEA at UN Regional Meeting in Brazilia, on the five year follow up to the implementation of MIPAA.