April 2008
First Annual National Conference on Social Work With and For Men from April 28-29, 2008, at the The Bryant Conference Center at The University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
The University of Alabama School of Social Work is pleased to announce the First Annual National Conference on Social Work With and For Men. This interdisciplinary conference will convene educators, graduate students, practitioners, and researchers to discuss practice experiences and/or research findings focusing upon the normative needs and special challenges faced by men undergoing life course transitions. The conference also will seek to understand reasons why men may or may not engage in preventive health care, help-seeking behavior, utilize effective coping mechanisms, and be attracted to and use different types of programs or interventions. The conference will not reflect biased or stereotypical portrayals of men, but rather will reflect a strengths-based perspective that will provide balanced and applied information to benefit conference participants.
May 2008
First Annual National Conference on Social Work With and For Men from April 28-29, 2008, at the The Bryant Conference Center at The University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
The University of Alabama School of Social Work is pleased to announce the First Annual National Conference on Social Work With and For Men. This interdisciplinary conference will convene educators, graduate students, practitioners, and researchers to discuss practice experiences and/or research findings focusing upon the normative needs and special challenges faced by men undergoing life course transitions. The conference also will seek to understand reasons why men may or may not engage in preventive health care, help-seeking behavior, utilize effective coping mechanisms, and be attracted to and use different types of programs or interventions. The conference will not reflect biased or stereotypical portrayals of men, but rather will reflect a strengths-based perspective that will provide balanced and applied information to benefit conference participants.
May 2008

Gray and Green: How to Use Our Gray Matter to Keep Things Green
The focus will be on how climate change requires new approaches to education, jobs and other opportunities.
Speakers will address these topics in relationship to older persons. Click to download flyer (.pdf 76kb)
Tuesday, May 13, 2008 - Hudson Guild Elliott Center - 441 W. 26th Street NYC
For more information, call the Gray Panthers Office (212) 799-7572
The focus will be on how climate change requires new approaches to education, jobs and other opportunities.
Speakers will address these topics in relationship to older persons. Click to download flyer (.pdf 76kb)
Tuesday, May 13, 2008 - Hudson Guild Elliott Center - 441 W. 26th Street NYC
For more information, call the Gray Panthers Office (212) 799-7572
Mother's Day Greetings From Nepal
May 5th (2008 English calender this year) is Mother's Day in Nepal especially for Hindu (Matha tirtha Aunci). On this day all go to see their Mother with some gift like clothes and goods as Mother's choice. When people are old they hope their sons and daughters will come to see them. Elder people are most happy when receiving gifts form their bottom of the heart. Attached is a picture of a 90 year old women. She is very happy to be honored by her son in law, daughter and her elder sister's son and family. If one has no Mother they go to holy place called Mata tirtha (8 km west from Kathmandu) and they bath in the river and pray for their late Mother's good carnation. Also, some people go to the ageing home and give fruits and sweets in their late Mother's memory.
Photos by Manohar Upreti.
May 5th (2008 English calender this year) is Mother's Day in Nepal especially for Hindu (Matha tirtha Aunci). On this day all go to see their Mother with some gift like clothes and goods as Mother's choice. When people are old they hope their sons and daughters will come to see them. Elder people are most happy when receiving gifts form their bottom of the heart. Attached is a picture of a 90 year old women. She is very happy to be honored by her son in law, daughter and her elder sister's son and family. If one has no Mother they go to holy place called Mata tirtha (8 km west from Kathmandu) and they bath in the river and pray for their late Mother's good carnation. Also, some people go to the ageing home and give fruits and sweets in their late Mother's memory.
Photos by Manohar Upreti.
"Join us"
in the Fight Against Elder Abuse
The First US National Elder Abuse Awareness Campaign
NCEA Elder Abuse Awareness Information Packet has been developed for the campaign, which is being undertaken in conjunction with Older Americans Month, the NCEA information PSA will run in theaters in May - June, and June 15th, World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.
NCEA along with NCPEA, CANE and NAPSA has developed a wealth of fact sheets, tip sheets and other materials. Please see NCEA Website for complete details. www.ncea.aoa.gov
in the Fight Against Elder Abuse
The First US National Elder Abuse Awareness Campaign
NCEA Elder Abuse Awareness Information Packet has been developed for the campaign, which is being undertaken in conjunction with Older Americans Month, the NCEA information PSA will run in theaters in May - June, and June 15th, World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.
NCEA along with NCPEA, CANE and NAPSA has developed a wealth of fact sheets, tip sheets and other materials. Please see NCEA Website for complete details. www.ncea.aoa.gov
June 2008

The Third Annual
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
Events happening on and around 15 June 2008
|| Global Events || Global Reports ||
July 2008
Charles-Henri Rapin
Prof Rapin’s death came about quite unexpectedly on Thursday 10 July 2008.
We thus have to say good-bye to Charles-Henri far too soon.
A ceremony was held on July 15th , 2 p.m. at the Protestant Church of Carouge (Geneva)
A Great Loss:
Charles-Henri Rapin, Swiss representative for INPEA, described as a true visionary by Dr. Lia Diachman and beloved by many.
Clic ici pour le Français .doc
Click here for English .doc
Charles-Henri Rapin
Prof Rapin’s death came about quite unexpectedly on Thursday 10 July 2008.
We thus have to say good-bye to Charles-Henri far too soon.
A ceremony was held on July 15th , 2 p.m. at the Protestant Church of Carouge (Geneva)
A Great Loss:
Charles-Henri Rapin, Swiss representative for INPEA, described as a true visionary by Dr. Lia Diachman and beloved by many.
Clic ici pour le Français .doc
Click here for English .doc

August 2008

Monica Ferreira Celebrated by AFRAN and INPEA
St Gallen, Switzerland
August 2008
African Research on Ageing Network (AFRAN)

October 2008
Publication: 2008 Regional Dimensions of the Ageing Situation
This 2008 Publication "Regional Dimensions of the Ageing Situation" contributes to the series of events, conferences and publications related to the first review and appraisal of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing. It highlights priorities, as well as recent trends and policy developments, in the five UN regions of the world.
The publication, which is a joint effort of UN staff and international experts, aims to assist national governments, the international community and the public at large to better assess the situation of older persons five years after the Second World Assembly on Ageing. It should better inform the debate on how to align priorities, policy innovations and technical cooperation to implement the objectives of the Madrid Plan of Action.
For the full Publication: http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/ageing/research_papers.html
Publication: 2008 Regional Dimensions of the Ageing Situation
This 2008 Publication "Regional Dimensions of the Ageing Situation" contributes to the series of events, conferences and publications related to the first review and appraisal of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing. It highlights priorities, as well as recent trends and policy developments, in the five UN regions of the world.
The publication, which is a joint effort of UN staff and international experts, aims to assist national governments, the international community and the public at large to better assess the situation of older persons five years after the Second World Assembly on Ageing. It should better inform the debate on how to align priorities, policy innovations and technical cooperation to implement the objectives of the Madrid Plan of Action.
For the full Publication: http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/ageing/research_papers.html
It is with profound sadness that we must inform the members of INPEA's international family of our loss of our dearly beloved, Susana Aguas, INPEA Regional Representative for Latin America and the Caribbean, on October 11, 2008. President Lia Daichman, Susana's lifelong friend and colleague, is creating a memorial tribute to Susana and her work on behalf of older persons in Argentina, Latin America, and the Caribbean, which will become a permanent part of INPEA.

We ask friends and colleagues who wish to help us memorialize Susana's many accomplishments, to send them to Lia liadaichman@fibertel.com.ar so they may be posted on INPEA's Website and shared with Susana's family and loved ones. (Photos are also welcome).