February 2010
2010 Executive Officers Election - Announcements
Results of the Election released February 1st.
President: Gloria M. Gutman, PhD., Canada
Vice President: Dr. Nabil Kronfol, MD Dr.PH., Lebanon
Clerk: Susan B. Somers, JD, USA
Treasurer: Robert Brent, PhD, USA
Gloria M. Gutman, PhD, Canada (Statement) (click for Bio) (click for CV)
Vice President
Nabil Kronfol, MD, Dr.PH, Lebanon (click for Bio) (click for CV)
Susan B. Somers, JD, USA (click for Bio)
Robert Brent, PhD, USA (click for CV)
Election Protocol, Procedure and Timeline.
(Updates: Dec 16, 2009, Jan 4, 2010. Jan 22, 2010, Feb 5, 2010)
INPEA's Nominating Committee set slate --January 15, 2010
Ballot distributed via E mail by Independent Law Firm ,
480 University Avenue
Suite 700
Toronto, ON M5G 1V2
to "Members in Good Standing" --January 25, 2009
Voting to be completed by Midnight EST -- January 30, 2010
Election Results to be announced by INPEA President -- Feb 4, 2010
To contact INPEA's Nominating Committee click here
Nominating Committee Members
Co-Chairs & Board Members:
T.Nhongo, Africa and Lynn McDonald, North America
Additional members:
Laura Machado, Latin America/ Caribb
Wayne Fieldings, Australia,
Simon Biggs, UK
April 2010
Good News from Silver Innings...
From: Sailesh Mishra
Date: Saturday, April 10, 2010 01:25 am
Subject: Silver Innings' 2nd Foundation Day:Eye & Cataract camp Report
On 10th April 2008 a new movement for Senior Citizens ‘Silver Innings’ was started. It has been 2 years of our honest and dedicated work for our Elderly.
To celebrate this historic occasion on 9th April 2010, eve of ‘Silver Innings’ Foundation day, we had organized Half a day FREE EYE & CATRACT CHECK UP/OPERATION CAMP for Senior Citizens (above 50 yrs) only. The camp was held from 10am to 1pm Near Tapobhoomi Mandir, opp. Post Office, Near Railway Station, Mira Road , Near Mumbai , India.
This camp was organized by Silver Innings Active Ageing Center in association with Help Age India & Bhaktivedanta Hospital – ‘Share Your Care’ project. Event Management was done by Silver Inning Foundation & Mr. Mahesh Machhi of Shree Bapa Sita Ram Seva Mandal, Mira – Bhayandar.
On camp day 120 Elderly (52 Elderly women and 68 Elderly Men) underwent Eye checkup and 20 people were diagnosed of cataract problem. Elderly with cataract will be operated Free of cost on 14th April 2010 at Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mira Road. Around 70 Elderly were also assisted with Vision checkup.
10 Volunteers from Silver Inning Foundation, Help Age India, Bhaktivedanta Hospital and Shree Bapa Sita Ram Seva Mandal, Mira – Bhayandar made this programme successful.
It is to be noted that ‘Silver Innings’ 1st Foundation day was celebrated on 9th April 2009 by organizing Free Diabetes Camp for Senior Citizens at Koliwada , Dharavi Slums, Mumbai in association with The Family Welfare Agency, S L Raheja Hospital and Help Age India. Around 113 Senior Citizens benefited from this camp.
Many Thanks to Silver Inning Foundation, Help Age India , Bhaktivedanta Hospital and Shree Bapa Sita Ram Seva Mandal ,Mira – Bhayandar for their support.
We are looking forward for more such networking programme for welfare of our elderly.
Sailesh Mishra
Founder, Silver Innings – a Social Enterprise dedicated for our Elderly
Send email to Silver Innings
Source: http://silverinnings.blogspot.com/2010/04/silver-innings-celebrated-its-2nd.html
June 2010
INPEA-Co Host NGO Comm on Ageing, NY
2010 WEAAD Program, June 3, 2010
Keynote: Dean Gregory J. Paveza, PhD. SCSU.
at the UN Church Center, 777 UN Plaza, NY
Expert Meeting on the Human Rights of Older Persons
Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
American University, Washington DC.
June 9th
INPEA representatives invited to attend:
Manohar Upreti, INPEA National Representative, Nepal; Nabil Kronfol, VP; Past President, Lia Daichman; & Susan Somers, SG.
with Non-governmental organizations,
Civil society organizations and the Private sector
UN Headquarters in New York
14 - 15 June, 2010
Click to visit web site
Program and Speakers
(click here to download .pdf)
MDG's Poverty and Ageing Flyer
(click here to download .pdf)

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
World Day at UN HQ NYC
Click here to go to
WEAAD Global Events 2010
Canadian World Day Celebration, Toronto
Click here to go to
WEAAD Global Reports 2010
INPEA President, Gloria M. Gutman, PhD
Honorary Degree, Univ. Western Ontario
June 15th
First Gerontology Expert recognized in Canada
The Demography of Aging in Indian Parliament 2009 : Aged MP's
June 17, 2010
From Sailesh Mishra @ yahoo.co.uk
Convite: Audiência pública
"Violência contra o Idoso"
Data: 23 de junho de 2010
Horário: 13h30 ás 17h30.
Local: Auditório da Assembleia Legislativa
"Meu mundo...Seu mundo... Nosso mundo... Sem violência à Pessoa Idosa."
Luciana Amorim de Santana Mota
"15 de junho -Dia Mundial de Conscientização da Violência Contra a Pessoa Idosa"
UN Economic and Social Council
2010 High-level Segment
New York, 28 June-2 July
Tentative programme
14:OOh 5s 17:OOh
(transferência .pdf 596kb)
Com Adriana Klisys
PsicólogapelaPUC-SP. Diretora da Caleidoscôpio Brincadeira eArte
(www.caleido.com.br) Consultora em cultura. jocjos e espacos ludicos
Autora de joqos e livros na area ludica.
Confirmar sua presença
pelo e-mail: forumidoso @
ISAL- Rua Antonio Escorsin
1650 Sao Braz.
Curitiba-Telefone: (41) 3016-1234
July 2010

b. January 21, 1927 d. July 4, 2010 - NYC
International Longevity Center (ILC) Founder and Pulitzer Prize winner
Known as "the father of Geriatrics" who coined the term "ageism"
ILC Tribute (click here)
September 29, 2010 Memorial in NYC (click here)
Dr. Robert Butler, a Pulitzer Prize-winning expert on aging who coined the phrase "ageism," has died in New York City, his daughter said Tuesday. He was 83. He died Sunday of leukemia at Mount Sinai Medical Center, Christine Butler said. Please click here to view links to obituaries of Dr. Butler.
Remembering Dr. Robert Butler, Pulitzer Prize-winning longevity expert, and a champion of older people who died recently. He will be remembered as the epitome of aging with dignity, grace and good health, a role model for younger gerontologists and his fans growing by the years. He was a practitioner of all that he prescribed. To read the full memorable tribute from Mala Kapur Shankardass, click here to go to The Hindu web site or click here to download .pdf.
At the web site - Time Goes By « ELDER MUSIC: Forgotten (But Not Completely) | Main | REFLECTIONS: On Recent History » Monday, 09 August 2010: The Longevity Prescription of Dr. Robert Butler: A Proposal
To download a compilation of selected obituaries and remembrances
of Dr. Butler, including those above, please click here (.pdf 2.9MB)
Geriatric Center Nepal
The First Anniversary Celebration
6th August 2010
Click here to download the report 1.8MB .pdf
Many great photos and info about the Geriatric Center
Click here to e-mail the Geriatric Center
On the web at http://www.gecenep.com
September 2010
6th Annual Conference of the Indian Association for Geriatric Mental Health (IAGMH) - GERON 2010
on "Healthy Ageing: From Concept to Reality" taking away the focus from disorders, and moving towards promotive health at Mumbai, India
4th and 5th September 2010 with pre-conference workshop on 3rd September 2010
Know more and Register soon: http://www.geron2010.com/home
Conference Secretariat: GERON 2010
Dr. Alka A. Subramanyam C/o Varriance Conferences & Events Pvt. Ltd.
B-519, Aurus Chambers, S.H. Amrutwar Marg
Worli, Mumbai, India - 400 013
Tel No. +91 22 24940517
Fax No. +91 22 24940520
Click here to email geron

We regret to inform you that the server hosting the CSO Network is currently experiencing technical problems. We have been assured that all measures are being taken to resolve this matter on an urgent basis.
Notification will be sent as soon as the registration is, once again, up and running.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Yours Sincerely,
NGO Relations, DPI, United Nations www.un.org/dpi/ngosection
Sunday, September 12, 2010 through Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Criteria: Resident of California, with interest in child maltreatment, professional or graduate student
Criteria: Crime/Victim Survivor and Applicants must have at least one (1) year of volunteer/advocacy service to other victims. Information on how to apply, please click to email Malou Indon at @ alliant.edu and @ gmail.com
Improving the Response to Child Abuse Victims with Disabilities - 2-Day Training. Information on how to apply, please click to email Patricia Smith at @ alliant.edu and @ gmail.com
5 Hours of Volunteer Work = 1 Day Waived Fee, up to 20 Hours
Application Forms Available at www.ivatcenters.org
Contact: Stephany Hamrell / 858-527-1860 x 4550 / click to e-mail @alliant.edu
Reduced Rates & Complimentary Internet Access in Sleeping Rooms
Town and Country Resort & Convention Center
500 Hotel Circle North, San Diego, CA 92108
Toll Free: 1-800-772-8527
Contact Us
Institute on Violence, Abuse and Trauma (IVAT) at
Alliant International University
10065 Old Grove Road, San Diego CA 92131
P: 858-527-1860 x 4030/F: 858-527-1743
click to email @alliant.edu
This year's recipient is Bridget Penhale from the United Kingdom. Ms. Penhale is currently Reader in Gerontology at the University of Sheffield, UK. With a first degree in psychology, she is a qualified social worker since 1981, and has specialised in work with older people since 1983, working in urban, rural and city areas in addition to hospitals. After a successful career as social worker and manager spanning some 15 years, she took up an academic post at the University of Hull (UK) in 1996, moving to Sheffield in 2004.
She is past Chair of the British Association of Social Worker's Community Care Sub-Committee, and former Vice-Chair of Action on Elder Abuse, and is currently chair of the Hull Domestic Violence Forum, a multi-agency network to develop responses to domestic violence (predominantly of women).
Click here to download announcement .pdf.
Click for Rosalie Wolf Memorial Award Page

It is the intention of Lifeline’s EAPU to provide a full research paper based on the WEAAD 2010 campaign to explore the best methods of undertaking an awareness campaign for elder abuse. This future paper will provide greater detail including a gender analysis. This WEAAD 2010 campaign was based on research undertaken by the EAPU in 2009 to design and make predictions about the best method of raising awareness about elder abuse. With the assistance of Lifeline’s Communications and Fundraising section the “Is it Happening to Someone you Know” awareness campaign was subsequently developed.
On-line at www.eapu.com.au Click to download (1.6MB .pdf)
October 2010

Dr. Gloria Gutman
Founding Director, SFU Gerontology Research Centre
has been named
in Zoomer Magazine’s
October 2010 list
of “Canada’s Top 45 over 45”
(Click to download .pdf)

Silver Inning Foundation
Invites you for
World Elder's Day 2010 Events
in Mumbai, India

On the occasion of World Elders Day on 1st October 2010, Silver Inning Foundation once again organizes various event for our Senior Citizens in Mumbai, India. One such event is UMANG - A Stage Talent Show program for 50+ Senior Citizens. As there are not enough opportunity for elderly to show their talent, the main purpose of this program is to provide a platform for Elderly to display their talents. This is not a competition between Elderly but a forum to encourage them to demonstrate their hidden talent.
Come and support our Elderly.
1st Oct : Intergeneration Programme, at Cosmopolitan School, Sheetal Nagar, Mira Road, 8am to 9am. Supported by Cosmopolitan School. This programme is part of Joy of Giving Week 2010
2nd Oct : UMANG A Talent show for Senior Citizens Shivaji Natya Mandir, 3rd Floor, opp. Plaza Cinema, Dadar west, Mumbai at 2pm to 5.30pm. This is supported by Rotary Club of Mumbai Nariman Point & Rotaract Club of Rizvi law College. This programme is part of Joy of Giving Week 2010 and Walden University Global Day of Service 2010.
3rd Oct: UMANG A Talent show for Senior Citizens 5th Floor Auditorium, Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mira Road East at 3pm to 6pm
Contact to Participate: Mona :9987104233 ; M.Ruparelia: 9821732855 ; Pradip Upadhaya: 9870707565
Click for e-mail to SilverInnings - Website - Event info
News items!
Notice of INPEA Annual Member & Board Directors Meetings,NYC
October 7, 2010
(Posted Aug 9, 2010)
The World Health Organization, University of Iowa Hartford Center of Geriatric Nursing Excellence, and Partners invite you to join the Alliance for Healthy Active Ageing Virtual Global Discussion Forum
1-12 October 2010
We would like to invite you to join us in creating an inter-professional network involving representatives from health professions, policy makers, programme managers, international organizations/agencies, universities, research institutes and our clients to share our knowledge and experience on issues that affect healthy ageing.
During this twelve day forum you will receive two emails per day; one email to introduce the day’s questions and one daily digest of the contributions. Daily questions will be disseminated within three topic areas: Challenges and opportunities to support healthy active ageing; Sharing of success stories; Caring for older persons with dementia.
For any questions on this Virtual Global Discussion Forum
please contact the forum facilitator: Christina Fusco

20th Anniversary
United Nations International Day
of Older Persons
THURSDAY, 7 OCTOBER 2010 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
United Nations Headquarters, New York
“Older Persons and the Achievement of the Millennium Development Goals"
Add your voice to the global community on this United Nations Day!
The NGO Committee on Ageing/NY in collaboration with:
The UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs
The UN Population Fund (UNFPA), and
The Mission of Argentina to the United Nations
Event details www.ngocoa-ny.org/
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2010 from 6:00 – 8:00PM
at the AARP CONFERENCE RM 33RD FL, 780 3rd Ave. (at E. 48TH St.), NYC
Please join us at a networking reception following the program.
There is no fee for this program, however, RSVP’s are appreciated.
Please click here for further details and contact information (.pdf).
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
October 25 & 26, 2010
Forum canadien de formation et d’information sur les mauvais traitements à l’égard des aînés
Les 25 et 26 octobre 2010
Join us for the Canadian Elder Abuse Training and Information Forum that will bring together older adults, service providers, law enforcement and other professionals to:
provide education and training on elder abuse.
provide resources, tools and increased capacity to reduce the harms associated with elder abuse.
To download Save the Date flyer in .pdf,
• click here for English
• click here for French
Canadian Conference on Elder Law
Click here to download CALL_FOR_PAPERS.pdf
Silver Inning Foundation through Ms. Reis Woollen brings Eden Alternative Training to India
Its 1st time in India and South East Asia that Eden Alternative Training is happening.
Eden at Home (EAH) applies our Ten-Principle Philosophy to improving quality of life for Elders living at home and their care partners. A community-based approach to person-centered care, EAH focuses on building collaborative care partner teams that include the active participation of the Elder herself. Working together, empowered care partner teams help to ensure the independence, dignity, and continued growth and development of our Elder care partners and each other.
Date: Oct. 30-31, 2010 - - Time: 9.30am to 4.30pm - - Programme: Eden Alternative Training www.edenalt.org
Eden Educator: Reis Woollen - - Host: Silver Inning Foundation - - Venue: Union Park, Khar west, Mumbai, India
Click here to e-mail Silver Innings
November 2010
A DIGNIFIED REVOLUTION November 2010 Workshops
Using Human Rights to Maintain Dignified Care
10 November 2010, RNIB Cymru, Cardiff
Dignified Care Despite Difficult Colleagues
17 November 2010, Bear Hotel, Cowbridge
Dignity is More than Just a Word - Enhancing Communication Skills
23 November 2010, Age Cymru, Cardiff
A Dignified Revolution aims to ensure that older people are cared for with dignity and respect in hospital. We do this by raising awareness of dignity and respect issues to health professionals and to the general public.
Click link to download programme and booking form
Workshop 10 November (264kb .doc)
Workshop 17 November (268kb .doc)
Workshop 23 November (264kb .doc)
For further info, contact A Dignified Revolution
01446 774864 - 07811 159 800 - Click here to send e-mail
IAGG's International Coordinator
for the United Nations,
received the Prize Award on Human Rights
from the Minister of Human Rights and Brazilian President Lula, in recognition of her major work to promote the rights of old people in Brazil and outside.

Today, Ms Machado leads a team of NGOs to promote a Convention on the Rights of Older Persons within the United Nations.
Click here to download .pdf

INPEA National Representative to Curaçao
receives special recognition

Recognition to Geselle Rosaria-Coffi for her valuable contribution to the social development and well-being of our elders
Curaçao, December 31st, 2010
Click here to download .pdf