World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
WEAAD Resources
Celebrate World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Annually on 15 June!
Show the world you care
about ending elder abuse and neglect.
"Wear something purple"
on World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
every June 15th.
Please utilize INPEA's authentic
World Day Logos! (click here for logos)
When INPEA materials are used, please credit INPEA.
Does your organization or community plan to recognize
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD)?
Tell us about your "World Elder Abuse Awareness Day" activities
(click here for event/action form)
for posting on WEAAD Around the World - Global Events.
After your event, to have the outcome posted on WEAAD Global Reports, send us a brief report and photos via email.
To share your WEAAD organizational plans and comments
please fill out a Follow-Up Survey Form.
Resource Library
Welcome to INPEA's World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) Press Kit
The materials listed below may be used for the following purposes:
- To raise awareness about World Elder Abuse Awareness Day with your local media, colleagues and other contacts,
- To help you plan and implement your own World Day Elder Abuse Awareness Day activities, and
- To register your World Awareness Day activities with INPEA so that they may be listed on the INPEA World Awareness Day Calendar of Events.

This Community Resource Tool Kit is created to help individuals, organizations and communities throughout the world plan for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, to be held on June 15 of each year. The first WEAAD was launched on June 15, 2006.
weaad_community_toolkit.pdf (2.7MB)
The key objective of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) is to raise awareness of elder abuse (which encompasses neglect and mal- or mistreatment) throughout the world.
Click here to download

Educate others about elder abuse.
PDF version

Read about the very first event launch of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
Click here to download .pdf (803kb)
Community Awareness Posters for your use
Use this poster to encourage your community to wear something "purple" on June 15, in recognition of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD). Localize the poster by adding your organization's information at the bottom.
Letter-size 8.5x11.doc
Letter-size 8.5x11.pdf
Poster size 11x17.doc

Use this poster to announce any activities you are planning in recognition of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. You can add your local organization's information at the bottom.
Letter-size 8.5x11.doc
Letter-size 8.5x11.pdf
Poster-size 11x17.doc

An assortment of MULTI-LANGUAGE posters designed by students at CCSF.
Each has white space at the bottom for you to put the details of your event.
Click Here to View

WEAAD Event Submission Form
INPEA appreciates hearing about your events!!!
To have your WEAAD event posted, please complete the WEAAD Event Submission Form.
WEAAD Around the World - Global Events!
INPEA was in New York for WEAAD 2010.
INPEA was in Paris for WEAAD 2009.
INPEA was in Ottawa for WEAAD 2008.
INPEA was in Geneva for WEAAD 2007.
We wish to thank all of you who joined WHO, INPEA and our World Day Partners as we launched "The First World Elder Abuse Awareness Day" on June 15, 2006 at UN Headquarters, New York.
Attention! The WEAAD 2006 follow up Survey conducted by INPEA's National Representative of Sweden, Christen Erlingsson has been released. The initial results can be found in the January 2007 Bulletin.
INPEA World Day News bulletins