Logos & Graphics
The WEAAD graphics on this page can be freely used to promote WEAAD.
The Name, "International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse", "INPEA" or the INPEA Logo is restricted in use and may not be used without the written approval of INPEA, Inc.
To download, click on graphic or link, then after graphic displays, Save to your computer.
If other formats and/or resolutions are needed, please e-mail a request to weaad@inpea.net.
The Name, "International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse", "INPEA" or the INPEA Logo is restricted in use and may not be used without the written approval of INPEA, Inc.
To download, click on graphic or link, then after graphic displays, Save to your computer.
If other formats and/or resolutions are needed, please e-mail a request to weaad@inpea.net.
These logos come in various file formats and file sizes from 12kb for some .gif's and .jpg's at 72dpi, to over 6MB for the 600 dpi graphics. To download, click on image or link. Please allow time for the larger 300 and 600 dpi files to load. When logo displays, select Save to your computer (right mouse click or hold on browser for Macs). Some photo editing software may allow drag and drop or also copy/paste.
These logos come in various file formats and file sizes from 12kb for some .gif's and .jpg's at 72dpi, to over 6MB for the 600 dpi graphics. To download, click on image or link. Please allow time for the larger 300 and 600 dpi files to load. When logo displays, select Save to your computer (right mouse click or hold on browser for Macs). Some photo editing software may allow drag and drop or also copy/paste.

If you appreciate the resources available through INPEA, we would appreciate a donation. To contribute through PayPal, click the Donate button. Please click here for further information about making donations.
Thank you.
Thank you.