World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) 2012

My World...Your World...Our World – Free of Elder Abuse
World Day 2012 Prague
Journée internationale de sensibilisation aux abus envers les aînés
Mon monde…Votre monde…Notre monde – Sans abus aux aînés
Click to download Program in pdf
Click to download Program in MS Word .doc
Video Presentation Dr Abla Sibia: Elder Abuse in the Arab World
7th Annual INPEA International Commemoration of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
was hosted by Zivot 90 and was held in conjuncition with the IFA Conference in Prague.
Please Note: INPEA is proud to announce:
The UN has officially recognized WEAAD as an INTERNATIONAL DAY!

Look Below for Program Details on WEAAD 2011 held in London!

Date: Friday, June 17, 2011
Location: London, England
Exchange House
Primrose Street
London, UK EC2A 2HS
Collaborating organizations: Age UK, Action on Elder Abuse, Brunel Institute for Ageing Studies, British Society of Gerontology, International Longevity Centre, UK, King's College London Institute of Gerontology, Centre for Innovative Ageing, Swansea University
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2011 London Conference Program
INPEA is pleased to announce that Power Points of the presentations are now available on the Action on Elder Abuse website.
Please note also that through the good offices of Herbert Smith LLP the entire conference was recorded on video. Watch for links to the video on this site.